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Healthy Aging With Hormone Replacement Therapy

I have personal and professional reasons to learn as much as I can about aging healthy. My specialty is hormone replacement and age management medicine. Through my thirty years of middle of the night pages and delivering babies, I developed “delayed sleep latency onset” or my brain turned off REM sleep waiting for my next page. I get virtually no REM sleep. I have been up all but 1-2 hour catnaps for the past 6 weeks. In addition, I was my father’s primary care-giver for the last 6 years of his 10 year battle with Parkinson’s Disease.

I have spent weeks researching many natural formulations which have been shown in recent research to improve bodily processes and “turn back the clock.”

Nicotinamide Riboside(NR) is a form of vitamin B3 and a precursor for a very important substance Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide(NAD+). The medical research world is on fire with research about NR and NAD+. NR is available as a supplement and easily converted to NAD+. They are involved in anti-aging mechanisms, increased energy and reducing oxidative stress, a process of aging. NR is available everywhere. Take 250-500 mg/day. I have read many testimonials on blogs from MDs which are nothing short of amazing. Especially the damage limiting and protective effects when used at the time of strokes and heart attacks and with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ) is another substance found in minute amounts in food. It reduces oxidative stress and supports mitochondrial biosyntheses, which increases energy and keeps cells youthful. PQQ is also protective and damage limiting. It helps memory and thinking processes. It stimulates the production of nerve growth factors. It decreases nerve excitotoxicity which leads to fibromyalgia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Take 20mg/day.

Co-Enzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a vitamin-like compound with antioxidant properties. Has many of the same effects as NR and PQQ. Take 100mg/day generally to 100mg three times a day for migraines.

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