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How Hormone Replacement Therapy Can Help You Get Your Sex Life Back

How Hormone Replacement Therapy Can Help You Get Your Sex Life Back

When your bedroom life becomes lackluster or nonexistent, you wrack your brain trying to figure out why. You begin to wonder if your relationship is on the rocks, or if there’s something physically wrong with you.

Sexual problems can stem from a long list of culprits, including excess stress, too much alcohol, chronic pain, nerve damage, health conditions, medications, depression, and relationship issues. But the most common cause is a hormonal imbalance.

If you’re experiencing a lack of interest in sex and just don’t find it as enjoyable as you once did, Dr. Christopher Riegel at The Riegel Center in Plano, Texas, can help. Here’s how.

How hormones influence your sex life

Hormones are like chemical messengers that flow through your body and regulate how it functions, including your reproductive system.

Women have three main sex hormones: estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Men have testosterone. These hormones fluctuate throughout your life. During puberty, you get a surge that triggers physical changes, such as the growth of body hair, breasts in women, and voice changes in men, to name a few. These hormones are also responsible for your sex drive and your ability to reproduce, and you have them in abundance when you’re young.

But as you age, your body slows down its production of these hormones, and the lower levels trigger changes once again — this time in the opposite direction. You lose interest in sex, and, for women, you lose the ability to reproduce (menopause).

But take heart. You can recapture your youthful sex drive by restoring your hormones to their previous levels, and we can help.

The bioidentical hormone replacement boost

Hormone replacement therapy is nothing new. Women and men have taken advantage of the benefits of HRT for years. But the treatment has evolved, and advances in technology have enabled scientists to refine the process and improve its safety and effectiveness. 

The result — bioidentical hormone replacement that matches the molecular structure of your natural hormones exactly. And Dr. Riegel is leading the way.

He has researched HRT for more than three decades and has developed a way to customize plant-derived bioidentical hormones in a proprietary formula that safely restores your hormones to plentiful and balanced levels.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) rejuvenates your sex life by:

Boosting your libido

Waning hormones decrease your desire to have sex, otherwise known as low libido. BHRT replenishes women’s estrogen and men’s testosterone, which restores sexual desire and arousal.

Increased energy

Sex is exercise, and it takes stamina. If you’re feeling fatigued all the time, the last thing you want to do is have sex. BHRT gives you more energy to do the things you love, including sex.

More lubrication

One of the most common sexual problems for aging women is that intercourse becomes painful. While there are several factors that can contribute to this, including some health conditions, often the problem is simply a low supply of female hormones that have caused the vagina to become dry. Dry sex hurts. BHRT gets the juices flowing so sex feels good again. 

Reliable erections

Low testosterone is typically to blame for a man’s inability to get or keep an erection, called erectile dysfunction or ED. BHRT keeps your testosterone level where it should be so you can have sex whenever you want.

How to get BHRT

If Dr. Riegel determines that your sexual issues stem from imbalanced hormones, he begins your BHRT customization by evaluating a small sample of your blood. He then formulates your personalized BHRT therapy to address your exact needs, and the product arrives at your home. 

You come back for another quick blood draw at the three- and six-month marks, then every six months after that, so Dr. Riegel can monitor your hormones and make adjustments as necessary. 

To find out if BHRT can help you get your sex life back, call our friendly staff or book a consultation with Dr. Riegel using our online scheduling tool today. 

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