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How to Change Your Sleep Habits for Better Health

How to Change Your Sleep Habits for Better Health

Your sleep habits have an impact on your overall health. If you find yourself short-changing your sleep to get more done each day or have more time to unwind and relax, you may rob yourself of potential healing.

Sleep disorders are a common contributing factor in mental illness. When you don’t get enough sleep, you’re more likely to look at the world through a distorted filter, seeing things worse than they are. Dr. Christopher J. Riegel at The Riegel Center in Plano, Texas, explains more about how and why to change your sleep habits.

What is a sleep disorder?

As humans, our biological design needs 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Although some people may boast about needing less sleep, they’re the outliers. Of course, some people need more, too. According to the National Sleep Foundation, more than one-third of American adults sleep for fewer than 7 hours a night.

You are probably suffering from poorer performance than you otherwise would prefer if you are unable to fall asleep or wake up shortly after falling asleep. In these instances, you need to pay closer attention to what we call “sleep hygiene,” which refers to following the same steps to help you get a good night of sleep.

How to establish good sleep hygiene

“Sleep hygiene” may sound like a bit of a strange term, but it refers to all the habits you have surrounding preparing for sleep and getting a regular amount of sleep each night.

Some of the steps that are part of good sleep hygiene include the following:

When you establish these habits, you may find it easier to stick to a consistent schedule. It becomes like second nature once you’ve established these rituals.

When do I need more help?

It’s not uncommon to need a little extra help with falling asleep, even if you do all the things that are part of good sleep hygiene.

Schedule an appointment with The Riegel Center to learn how to get better sleep. If you are struggling with stress or depression, for example, these conditions can interfere with your sleep. Sometimes, you should address your mental health to address your sleep difficulties.

Contact Dr. Riegel at The Riegel Center today to learn how to get a better night’s sleep, which has a beneficial effect on your overall health, or request an appointment online.

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