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Myths and Facts About Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Myths and Facts About Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Considering bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) for managing menopausal symptoms is a decision faced by many women. However, there’s a considerable amount of misinformation surrounding this treatment. 

At The Riegel Center in Plano, Texas, Christopher Riegel, MD, and his team aim to provide accurate information about BHRT and its potential benefits in managing menopausal symptoms and maintaining overall health.

What is BHRT?

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has been a widely used method to rebalance women’s hormones during perimenopause and menopause. It was first introduced in 1941 under the name Premarin®and became a top-selling prescription drug in the United States. 

The drug is derived from a pregnant mare's urine, as it contains estrogen similar to that found in humans, making it a popular choice for relieving menopausal symptoms.

While this form of HRT has proven effective for some women, it may not be suitable for everyone. In 2002, a Women's Health Initiative study sparked a global controversy over the safety of HRT by revealing that post-menopausal women taking hormone therapy containing both estrogen and progestin were at higher risk for:

This report triggered a decline in HRT use and a corresponding decline in breast cancer cases.

Today, there is a safer, more natural option available for hormone replacement therapy known as bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. However, some women might avoid this beneficial treatment because they mistakenly believe it’s the same as the older treatment, when, in fact, it isn’t.

As a renowned hormone specialist, Dr. Riegel conceived, invented, and developed unique bioidentical hormone formulas that are proprietary and exclusive to The Riegel Center. 

Here, he reveals some of the most common myths about BHRT and provides the facts everyone considering hormone replacement therapy should know.

Myth #1: Tolerating your hormone symptoms is preferable to BHRT

If you believe that enduring menopause symptoms without seeking BHRT is the best approach, it's important to reconsider. Menopause symptoms aren’t just minor inconveniences; they can have a significant impact on your overall health by potentially leading to:

These symptoms not only impact your quality of life but also have the potential to significantly affect your health. They can contribute to conditions such as osteoporosis, mental health issues, relationship challenges, difficulty concentrating, and sleep deprivation.

Myth #2: BHRT raises your risk for adverse health conditions

Although conventional HRT has been associated with significant health risks, there’s no evidence to suggest the same risks apply to BHRT.

BHRT is approved by the FDA and is sourced from plants. These hormones closely match the molecular structure of your body's own hormones, which is why they’re referred to as bioidentical. As a result, your body readily accepts and tolerates BHRT without issue.

Myth #3: BHRT causes hormonal surges

The previous one-size-fits-all hormone replacement therapy often leads to hormone surges followed by fluctuations, causing erratic bodily and emotional experiences in some women. 

However, BHRT provides steady, customized dosages tailored to your needs, resulting in a more stable and comfortable experience throughout the day.

Myth #4: BHRT means taking a pill for the rest of your life

BHRT can be administered orally, through patches, or via injections, and requires daily, weekly, or monthly management. 

One other option is a pellet placed under your skin. With the pellet form, a tiny rice-sized pellet is inserted under your skin in your hip, providing continuous hormone release for 3-4 months. This eliminates your need for daily or weekly pills, patches, or injections, reducing visits to your provider for another dose to only 3-4 times a year. 

Myth #5: BHRT is a haphazard process

This is absolutely not the case at The Riegel Center. Dr. Riegel performs a comprehensive examination and blood testing to compound your personalized hormone formula that specifically addresses your hormonal imbalance. 

Dr. Riegel’s carefully protected formulas allow for a unique level of customization, and patients from more than 30 states regularly see him for BHRT. Most patients receive their hormones through UPS, directly to their doorstep. 

Are you ready to learn more about the revolutionary BHRT available at The Riegel Center? Schedule a consultation online or over the phone today to get started!

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