“The Animal Juice”
One of my long term patients was in today. She encouraged me to write a post about a product I developed. Usually I don’t tell my patients about my Juvanesse unless they tell me they are having a problem. This patient told me “every woman needs to know.”
So here goes:
I developed a hormone product called Juvanesse. When girls are young, they produce estradiol and testosterone from their ovaries. Most goes out to the body, some goes through the uterus, cervix, vagina and external genitalia to work locally. When a women goes through menopause or has a hysterectomy, the local component is gone. Many patients have told me they feel broken or numb down there. In order for hormones to work locally, a woman has to put hormones in vaginally. Typically, those hormones are in a cream. Women hate creams. As one patient put it, “Creams turn my vagina into a pudding factory.” So, I developed Juvanesse to melt without residue., ie, nothing comes out. You have to use it every day for 3 weeks, then your vagina, clitoris and labia become as sensitive as when you are seventeen. You have to keep using it or the effect goes away.
Here is the conversation I had with the first patient I had on it.
J: “Why haven’t you told me about this?”
Me: “I told you, you are the first patient I put on it.”
J: “I’ve been married for 24 years, since I was 23. I had the best sex of my life last night.”
Me: “You are kidding!”
J: “No! It was so good, it was scary.”
Me: “What? You are going to have to explain that.”
J: “Ok. It was so good, I almost didn’t feel human.”
Me: “What?”
J: “Ok..Ok..It was so good I felt like an animal. I couldn’t get enough!”
That patient sent in several friends. I had not named it yet. They showed up looking for “The Animal Juice.” Another patient calls it her “Joy Plug.” I have it made up at a local compounding pharmacy. Take it for what it is worth. FYI for all you ladies.
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