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The Secret to Boosting Your Libido During Menopause

The Secret to Boosting Your Libido During Menopause

Menopause brings lots of changes, and though some can be positive — like not having to worry about pregnancy or birth control — others can be upsetting, taking a toll on your comfort and your quality of life. For many women, a decline in sexual desire can be especially devastating, affecting relationships and overall enjoyment of life.Fortunately, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can help. 

At The Riegel Center, Christopher Joseph Riegel, MD, tailors every HRT plan to suit each woman’s unique needs, reducing signs and symptoms of menopause and restoring normal comfort and desire. Here’s how HRT could help you.

Menopause and low libido

More than a million American women begin menopause every year, and every one of them can experience changes in their libido and sexual function. Understanding why low libido happens is the first step in getting treatment that can help.

Decline in hormones

Most women know menopause is a time when their estrogen production declines precipitously. What they don’t know, however, is that there are decreases in other hormones, too, including progesterone and testosterone (yes, women have testosterone, too).

These hormones play important roles in sexual desire and sexual function, and it shouldn’t be surprising that declines in hormone production can lead to a lower desire for sex, along with other symptoms.


Those “other symptoms” include things like vaginal dryness and loss of vaginal tone, which can, in turn, make sexual intercourse quite uncomfortable — even painful. During menopause, vaginal tissue thins out, leading not only to pain, but also bleeding following sex.

Anticipating discomfort can make many women reluctant to have sex, leading to additional decline in sexual desire.

Sleep problems

Sleep problems are common during menopause, thanks in part to hot flashes and night sweats. When sleep is disturbed on a regular basis, you have less energy — and less desire for sex.

Mood changes

Menopause can cause lots of changes in your mood, making you more irritable or emotional than usual. Although this can definitely be associated with hormonal changes, sleep problems and fatigue also play roles.

Weight gain

Estrogen also plays an important role in metabolism. As estrogen levels decline, your metabolism slows down, too, leading to weight gain.

For many women, putting on extra weight makes them feel less attractive or desirable, leading to a decline in self-confidence and a lower desire for physical intimacy.


Low estrogen can also lead to an increased risk of bladder leakage. If you have urinary incontinence, even mild symptoms can make you more self-conscious about getting close with your partner.

How HRT works

Dr. Riegel supplements the hormones your body makes with bioidentical hormones developed to be chemically identical to your own natural hormones. Bioidentical means your body uses these hormones the same way it uses natural hormones for better results and fewer potential side effects.

By increasing hormone levels, HRT improves sleep, energy levels, mood, and weight management, decreasing the risk of incontinence and helping you feel more “normal.” And of course, HRT also increases libido, so you can enjoy your sex life again.

Every HRT treatment plan is customized based on your needs and using proprietary formulations. We can even adjust your therapy over time as your needs change.

Find a solution for your menopause symptoms

Menopause can be challenging, but it can also be one of the most rewarding and exciting times of your life. To learn more about HRT and how it can help improve your libido, your comfort, and your overall wellness, request an appointment online or over the phone with Dr. Riegel and the team at The Riegel Center in Plano, Texas, today.

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