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Virtual Hormone Therapy

In a world where you can order almost anything on-line, The Riegel Center has made it so you can also order your hormones on-line with a virtual consultation with Dr. Riegel. The Riegel Center offers virtual hormone therapy so that you can receive your hormones from almost anywhere in the United States on a regular basis.

With a simple phone call, you can schedule a consultation with Dr. Riegel to start your virtual hormone therapy. For patients in the Dallas/Fort-Worth area, we are happy to schedule office appointments in person.

Why Hormone Therapy?

Hormone therapy, or hormone replacement therapy, is often used for women to reduce the symptoms of menopause. As women have babies, get older, and go through the normal stages of life they experience changes with their bodies. These changes look different in everyone, but common symptoms include difficulty sleeping, exhaustion, low sex drive, weight gain and a handful of other symptoms. With the use of bioidentical hormones, we can introduce new hormones into your body that are identical to your naturally produced hormones.

Hormone therapy isn’t just for women. Men can also benefit from hormone therapy because, just like women, they are also noticing an imbalance in their hormones as they get older. For men, it’s usually a result of a decrease in their testosterone which can be easily fixed with the help of hormone therapy. Symptoms men might notice include weight gain, thinning hair, fatigue, loss of libido, moodiness, and a variety of other symptoms. If you’re experiencing any of these types of symptoms, you might be a good candidate for hormone therapy.

How Does It Work?

Hormone replacement therapy is an injection that you are able to give yourself, from the comfort of your home. The injection is formulated to your specific needs based off your consultation with The Riegel Center. During your initial consultation, we will discuss your medical history and anything that could be playing a role in the way that you are feeling. Once the initial consult is complete, we will schedule for you to go in for lab work to have your blood drawn. This can be done at your nearest LabCorp draw center. After we have received your results, we can identify the proper hormone treatment for you and have your hormone injections sent to you. From there, we will have regularly scheduled calls with you and routine lab work so that we can monitor your progress.

Take our Hormone Quiz to find out if hormone replacement therapy is right for you.

-The Riegel Center

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