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Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy For Men


Are you experiencing thinning hair, weight gain, muscle loss and depression? You probably have been hearing about hormone replacement for women but now more men are turning to Dr. Riegel’s proprietary Bioidentical Hormone Replacement for a better life. We are now seeing males go through a decrease in testosterone starting at a very young age. With hormone replacement, male patients report significant improvements in exercise capacity, muscle growth, energy, mood, motivation, sexual desire, work performance and outlook on life. Most men have been sent in by their wives or female relatives and co-workers.

Spread the word: hormone therapy is for men too! While hormone therapy started out as a solution to women’s health problems, the benefits for men are just as numerous and worthwhile. Hormone therapy for men can improve muscle growth, libido, sleep patterns, energy levels, mood, and much more. We’ve served men in 30 states including Texas, California, Florida, Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Ohio.

We’re always looking to expand our reach and spread the word about this safe and natural treatment, so give us a call, send an email, or fill out an inquiry form. Our friendly and compassionate staff is always excited to hear from you.


The Riegel Center
4975 Preston Park Blvd, Suite 840
Plano, TX 75093
Phone: 972-612-9977
Fax: 972-596-8931

Office Hours

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