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Most Common Causes of Chronic Fatigue Apr 1st, 2025

It’s normal to feel fatigued occasionally, especially after a day of strenuous physical or mental activities. However, feeling exhausted all the time isn’t normal and could be a sign of an underlying condition. It’s essential to get to the root cause of your chronic fatigue to map out a way...

Myths and Facts About Hormone Replacement Therapy for Postmenopausal Women Mar 1st, 2025

Menopause is a normal part of every woman’s life. It’s the time that marks the end of their ability to get pregnant. It’s not a disease or a disorder, but the symptoms that come with menopause affect your physical and emotional well-being.  At The Riegel Center in Plano, Texas, we...

Are Your Hormones Imbalanced? Common Signs Feb 1st, 2025

Hormones may be tiny, but they have a huge impact on your overall health and function. The chemicals produced by glands in your endocrine system travel through your bloodstream to organs and other tissues.  Functioning as your body’s messengers, hormones let your organs know what to do and when. While...

Myths and Facts About Osteoporosis Jan 1st, 2025

Dr. Christopher J. Riegel at The Riegel Center  understands that people with osteoporosis have a lot of questions about living with the disease and what risks that poses. He also evaluates his patients living in and around Plano, Texas, to determine if they’re at a high risk of developing osteoporosis...

How to Change Your Sleep Habits for Better Health Dec 1st, 2024

Your sleep habits have an impact on your overall health. If you find yourself short-changing your sleep to get more done each day or have more time to unwind and relax, you may rob yourself of potential healing. Sleep disorders are a common contributing factor in mental illness. When you...

How Depression and Anxiety Impact Your Physical Health Nov 1st, 2024

You can blame the medical community for decades of categorizing mental and physical health issues into two different camps or society for creating a mental health stigma; however, finger-pointing doesn’t change the fact that the mind-body connection was overlooked for way too long. Not at The Riegel Center. Dr. Christopher...

The Benefits of Sleep Management Oct 11th, 2024

 Everyone deserves a good night’s sleep, especially when it comes to improving their overall health and well-being. Yet, sleep is often the first thing we compromise in our busy lives.  Fortunately, Christopher Riegel, MD, at The Riegel Center in Plano, Texas, specializes in sleep management to regulate your sleep and...

Myths and Facts About Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Sep 16th, 2024

Considering bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) for managing menopausal symptoms is a decision faced by many women. However, there’s a considerable amount of misinformation surrounding this treatment.  At The Riegel Center in Plano, Texas, Christopher Riegel, MD, and his team aim to provide accurate information about BHRT and its potential...

How Does Testosterone Affect Aging? Aug 6th, 2024

When people hear the phrase “hormone replacement therapy,” they may immediately think of menopause. Men’s bodies and hormone levels also change—perhaps less dramatically, but with significant impacts.  Testosterone is the hormone generally associated with masculinity, but in addition to helping you add muscle and grow a beard, testosterone has an...

The Secret to Boosting Your Libido During Menopause Jul 23rd, 2024

Menopause brings lots of changes, and though some can be positive — like not having to worry about pregnancy or birth control — others can be upsetting, taking a toll on your comfort and your quality of life. For many women, a decline in sexual desire can be especially devastating,...

Ways Hormones Affect Your Appearance Jun 2nd, 2024

Everyone knows the old saying, “Beauty is only skin deep.” Still, there’s no denying people can make assumptions based on appearance — and how we look can affect how we feel about ourselves. The problem: It’s not always easy to maintain a youthful, vibrant appearance. That’s because as we age,...

The Link Between Hormones and Sleep May 2nd, 2024

A lack of restful, quality sleep makes you tired, sluggish, and irritable the next day. Chronic poor sleep can also multiply your risk of severe health complications, including heart disease and diabetes. Struggling to get a good night’s rest could be due to a hormone imbalance. At The Riegel Center...

Why Is Osteoporosis More Common in Women Than Men? Apr 2nd, 2024

Osteoporosis develops when your body no longer produces new bone quickly enough to replace older, weakening bone tissue. Approximately 10 million people in the United States have osteoporosis, and 80% of them are women. At The Riegel Center in Plano, Texas, Christopher Riegel, MD, offers personalized osteoporosis prevention and treatment...

The Secret to Revving Up Your Energy Levels Mar 13th, 2024

Do you often feel drained but aren’t sure whether it may just be low motivation? Know that valid medical reasons could explain your low energy levels, and you needn’t blame yourself.  If you experience low energy levels on a regular basis, perhaps making you less productive at work and causing...

Telehealth: The Advantages of Telemedicine Feb 20th, 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered dramatic changes throughout everyday life — and in the medical community as well. Not only are providers across the country postponing elective procedures, but many are also encouraging people to avoid in-office appointments to reduce their risk of exposure to this highly contagious coronavirus.But what...

5 Hormone Imbalance Symptoms You Should Never Ignore Feb 2nd, 2024

Your hormones control many of your biological functions and even a small dip in your hormone levels can lead to a variety of disruptive symptoms. At The Riegel Center in Plano, Texas, we specialize in the management of age-related hormone imbalances or imbalances that result from underlying medical conditions. Highly...

How Hormones Can Breed Anxiety Jan 19th, 2024

The relationship between anxiety and hormone levels is complex but certain. Changes in hormones and imbalances can cause anxiety. If you already have anxiety, hormones can make it worse or contribute to spikes.  Throughout his career, Dr. Christopher J. Riegel at the The Riegel Center has studied hormones and how...

When to Worry about Low Libido Dec 29th, 2023

If you’re struggling with a low libido, you’re not alone. As many as 1 in 3 women between the ages of 30 and 59 struggle with loss of sex drive, while 1 out of every 20 men report low libido. A low libido can be frustrating for both you and...

A Closer Look at Your Metabolism Postpartum Nov 2nd, 2023

Your tummy sags, your breasts droop, and your bladder leaks at the worst possible moments — these are the many expected (and frustrating) changes that follow pregnancy and delivery, but there are some less obvious changes you should be aware of.  One is your new metabolism.  Pregnancy and motherhood put...

Brain Fog? It Could Be Your Hormones Oct 1st, 2023

Have you ever had one of those days where your thoughts seem cluttered, and focusing on tasks feels nearly impossible? At The Riegel Center located in Plano, Texas, board-certified provider Dr. Christopher J. Riegel talks to many patients who struggle with issues like these. Our patients are often surprised to learn these feelings of...

3 Ways Hormone Issues Affect Men and Women Differently Sep 1st, 2023

Hormones. There’s a reason why we talk so much about hormones in boys and girls as they start puberty. Hormones are a big part of what makes people male and female, and they impact many other aspects of whole-body health and wellness as well. Because male and female hormones differ,...

How Pregnancy and Childbirth Affect Your Hormones Aug 8th, 2023

Pregnancy and childbirth are transformative journeys that bring significant changes to your body and mind. Throughout this remarkable process, your endocrine system plays a powerful role in orchestrating various hormonal fluctuations that need to happen for you to have a healthy pregnancy and successful childbirth.  Here at the Riegel Center...

5 Signs of Hormonal Imbalance Jul 3rd, 2023

When you’re struggling with hormonal imbalance-related symptoms, relief can seem like a dream that won’t come true. These crucial chemical messengers have a major impact on your physical and emotional well-being. When your hormones are out of whack, it can feel like you’re a stranger in your own body. Fortunately,...

What to Expect One Month After Starting Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Jun 1st, 2023

If you're considering bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), we want to help you have realistic expectations about what to anticipate— even as soon as one month after treatment. At The Riegel Center in Plano, Texas, Christopher J. Riegel, MD, and our professional team understand the discomfort hormone imbalances can cause. That’s why we...

I Suddenly Feel So Tired — Could I Be in Menopause? May 9th, 2023

Over a million women begin menopause every year in the United States, with symptoms that can be both annoying and confusing. Sure, most of us know that menopause can cause hot flashes, but other symptoms are less well-known — and much easier to overlook as a result. Fatigue is one of...

How to Lower Your Risk of Osteoporosis Apr 1st, 2023

As you age, your bones can start to become more fragile, which puts you at risk for developing osteoporosis – a condition where your bones lose their density. If osteoporosis is left untreated, it can worsen and heighten the possibility of bone fractures. Broken bones – or even the fear...

Have a Low Libido? We Can Help Mar 6th, 2023

It’s completely normal to have ebbs and flows with your interest in sex. However, if you start to feel the ebbs are more common than the flows, it’s time to talk to an expert. Low libido — or low sex drive — is incredibly common. In fact, up to 1 in 5...

Why Do I Feel Tired After 8 Hours of Sleep? Feb 13th, 2023

You’ve been tired lately, so last night, you made an effort to get to bed early. You thought the extra rest would leave you feeling refreshed, but instead, you’re still feeling tired and cranky. And this isn’t the first time this has happened to you either. So what gives? Why...

5 Telltale Signs You’re Coping with Anxiety Jan 6th, 2023

Anxiety disorders often go unrecognized, yet they are the most common form of mental illness in the United States, with nearly one in five people struggling with some sort of anxiety. Symptoms can be debilitating and keep you from enjoying life and relationships. The good news is that plenty of...

Here’s Why Menopause Puts You at a Greater Risk for Osteoporosis Dec 1st, 2022

Even though women reach peak bone mass (when your bones are at their thickest and strongest) by age 30, the body is constantly breaking down and rebuilding the skeleton. Eating a balanced diet, getting an adequate supply of calcium and vitamin D, and engaging in weight-bearing exercises helps you maintain...

Which Hormones Affect the Aging Process? Nov 1st, 2022

Everyone knows hormones play a central role in sexual development early in life. But hormones are also deeply involved in the aging process, affecting not only your sexual health and libido, but many other aspects of your health and wellness, too. At The Riegel Center, Christopher Riegel, MD offers bioidentical...

Low Libido: Reasons You May Have a Low Sex Drive Oct 1st, 2022

Most people regard their sex lives as personal, and rightly so. There are an endless variety of preferences covering all aspects of sex for both reproduction and enjoyment. The motivation traces back to your libido, the energy of desire created by your body.  It’s normal for the level of libido...

Tips for Preventing Osteoporosis Sep 1st, 2022

Did you know that you can play a role in keeping your bones protected, strong, and healthy? As you age, you might begin to experience the weakening of your bones, which is a disease called osteoporosis. This condition can increase your risk for fractures and other complications.  At The Riegel...

5 Telltale Signs You're Dealing with Anxiety Aug 1st, 2022

Identifying anxiety can be challenging. The vast majority of people will go through periods of worry and have days when they feel anxious. That doesn’t mean, however, that they’re living with an anxiety disorder. Instead, anxiety disorders come with a specific set of symptoms. Beyond that, there are several different types...

How Hormone Replacement Therapy Can Help You Get Your Sex Life Back Jul 1st, 2022

When your bedroom life becomes lackluster or nonexistent, you wrack your brain trying to figure out why. You begin to wonder if your relationship is on the rocks, or if there’s something physically wrong with you. Sexual problems can stem from a long list of culprits, including excess stress, too...

I Think I’m Depressed: Can You Help? Jun 1st, 2022

Everyone goes through periods of sadness. But depression is a different beast altogether — and it doesn’t simply mean that you’re sad. While many people do experience low mood in a depressive episode, clinical depression comes with other symptoms that can impact virtually every part of your life. If you think...

How Watching Television in Bed Can Interfere with Getting Good Sleep May 1st, 2022

What can be more relaxing than climbing into bed at the end of a long day and watching a few episodes of your favorite Netflix series on your phone, tablet, or the television in your bedroom? A little television before bed has become part of the pre-sleep routine for many...

Understanding Bioidentical Hormone Therapy for Anti-Aging Apr 1st, 2022

Hormones are the body’s messenger system, controlling virtually every function you need to live. A natural consequence of aging is the reduced production of certain key hormones, estrogens in women and testosterone in men.  Menopause is a key hormonal event in women, and while male menopause (called andropause) isn’t as...

The Link Between Your Thyroid Hormone and Energy Levels Mar 3rd, 2022

Your body is amazing. When something isn’t functioning as it should, your body sends you signals. Your thyroid is a small but mighty gland that produces two hormones critical to metabolic function. It is located at the bottom of your neck. These functions turn food into energy, as well as...

How Menopause Affects Your Mental Health Feb 1st, 2022

Often referred to as the “change of life,” menopause is a normal part of a woman’s aging process. However, the driving force behind menopause is a decline in the production of the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone. Though these hormones play a vital role in managing your menstrual cycle,...

What’s Causing My Lack of Interest in Sex? Jan 1st, 2022

Your sex drive — or libido — naturally has highs and lows throughout your life, and the causes of these fluctuations are complex. Your age, emotional state, physical health, and relationship status all impact how interested you are in sex.  Dr. Christopher J. Riegel not only helps his patients pinpoint...

Myths and Facts About Hormone Replacement Therapy That Every Woman Should Know Dec 1st, 2021

If you’re struggling with symptoms or conditions related to hormonal imbalances, you may have wondered if hormone replacement therapy can help. But with all of the myths circulating about the safety and efficacy of this treatment, you might wonder if it’s right for you.  At The Riegel Center in Plano,...

Your Hormones Could Be Keeping You From Losing Weight Nov 1st, 2021

Hormone levels can be a big deal at certain points in your life, particularly in adolescence. And, if you’re a woman, during pregnancy and menopause, too. Outside of these events, though, hormones don’t get much thought.  Yet, getting older, experiencing stress, and even your diet can cause changes and fluctuations...

How to Know If You Are a Good Candidate for Hormone Replacement Therapy Oct 7th, 2021

Hormones are your body’s chemical messengers. When most people think of hormones, they think of puberty. This is when your body ramps up the production of growth hormones and sex hormones. As you reach your 30s and 40s, these same hormones decline, causing many unwanted physical and mental changes. Do...

What Happens When Your Hormones Are Unbalanced Sep 15th, 2021

Our hormones are responsible for more functions in your body than you may realize. When any of these chemical messengers are out of whack, it can wreak havoc on your physical and mental health. At The Riegel Center, hormone specialist Christopher Riegel, MD, understands how bad you can feel when...

Aging And Hormones May 10th, 2021

The elusive Fountain of Youth has been sought after for centuries. Its healing waters were thought to preserve life and halt the aging process. Beginning with the Greeks in the 5th century B.C., the Fountain of Youth has made its way through history. Many thought they had discovered it with Alexander...

Are Your Hormones Causing Brain Fog? Apr 26th, 2021

Have you ever been looking for your cell phone and then realized you are talking to your friend on it at that very moment? Have you walked into a room in your home and then can’t remember what you were searching for when you got there? You may think you...

Stress And Bioidentical Hormone Treatment Apr 22nd, 2021

If you are feeling the stress of work deadlines, family obligations, relationship challenges, or health troubles then you are not alone. April is National Stress Awareness month. Everyone feels stress from time to time, but all stress isn’t bad. As a matter of fact, having too little stress in your...

Moods And Hormones Mar 23rd, 2021

How many times have you heard an emotional woman say that they are “just feeling hormonal”? While it is true that hormones can affect everyone’s moods, it seems to be more significant in women. If you are having difficulty dealing with your moods, a hormonal imbalance may be one of...

Are Cravings Caused By A Hormonal Imbalance? (Hint: Yes!) Mar 15th, 2021

Food cravings come in many forms – from the historically odd pregnancy cravings (pickles and ice cream!) to late night snacks, and to chocolate (any time!). They are different than true hunger because cravings are an intense desire to eat a certain food. Cravings are often associated with a person’s...

Sleep Awareness Week Mar 8th, 2021

As hormone specialists, we stress the importance of balanced hormones for your overall health. What many people don’t realize is just how important your hormones are in your day-to-day life. Your hormones essentially affect everything that your body does throughout the day and night. Even the slightest change in one...

Heart Health In Women And Men Feb 26th, 2021

With February being American Heart Health month, it’s important we discuss the importance of heart health in women and men. When a woman is going through perimenopause and menopause, her body is experiencing many different changes in her hormone levels. These changes can play a critical role in her heart...

Night Sweats And Hot Flashes Feb 11th, 2021

If you are approaching menopause (perimenopause) or going through menopause then there is a good chance you are experiencing night sweats and hot flashes. These annoying reactions to your body’s hormonal changes can impact your energy level and sleep patterns. Some women barely experience symptoms while others experience severe debilitating...

Understanding Your Hormone Imbalance Jan 26th, 2021

A hormone is a chemical that delivers messages throughout your body through your bloodstream. They are sent to various tissues and organs in your body with signals that tell them what to do. Your hormones are a fundamental part of your body that help regulate your blood pressure, sex drive,...

Menopause: What It Is & What You Need To Know Jan 18th, 2021

Menopause is a natural process that women go through in their 40’s or 50’s. It is the natural decline in a woman’s reproductive organs and is the end of a woman’s menstrual cycles. The time before menopause is considered perimenopause. This is the time period leading up to menopause when...

Love And Your Hormones Jan 13th, 2021

As Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching, there is more and more talk about sex, love and your hormones. What many don’t know is that they go hand-in-hand. At The Riegel Center our clients frequently ask why their love life isn’t what it used to be; whether it’s not feeling as...

How Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Can Help Men Dec 30th, 2020

Testosterone in men is the hormone needed for male sexual development and reproductive function. In addition to building muscle mass and maintaining healthy bone density levels. When men hit their 40s, their testosterone levels begin to decrease, and it usually drops a little bit each year after that. Andropause and...

Understanding Your Anxiety Dec 23rd, 2020

Increased heart rate, rapid breathing, constant worry, and sweating are all common symptoms of an anxiety disorder. According to ADAA, 40 million adults in the United States over the age of 18 suffer from anxiety disorders. It’s pretty common for people to notice an increase in their anxiety during stressful situations like...

Women And Hair Loss – What Your Hair Is Telling You About Your Hormones Dec 16th, 2020

Life stressors can make you feel like pulling your hair out –but the stress of losing your hair can’t be solved this way! Interestingly, one of the primary triggers of hair loss is stress. Your lifestyle, hormone changes, what you eat and genetic make-up are other triggers for hair loss....

Hormones And Holidays – Keep Yourself Balanced For A Happy New Year Dec 7th, 2020

Seasonal depression and holiday blues occur even during the best of times. With the additional stress of COVID-19, this holiday season may leave many women feeling more worn out. Juggling modified work and school schedules along with the unknown can make playing Santa extra challenging. Plus, engaging in the usual...

Heightened Mental Awareness With Bioiodentical Hormone Therapy Sep 8th, 2020

Have you ever heard someone say, “Oops, I’m having a senior moment,” as an excuse for being forgetful or making a silly mistake? Turns out, there’s a lot of truth to that comment! The fatigue and mood changes that accompany age-related hormonal changes can affect your mental alertness. Your hormones...

Boost Your Immune System Sep 3rd, 2020

With flu season just around the corner and other viruses going around, it’s important to keep an eye on your health and immune system. During such busy times of the year, it’s always a hassle when you get sick and have to take off work or take off from your...

Bone Strength And Hormones Jul 29th, 2020

Being told to “break a leg” may not always mean “good luck” – especially if a small cough or stepping off a small curb causes you to break a bone. Bones are living tissues that need to be constantly repaired due to daily activities. The process of renewal is called...

Sleep Pattern And Hormones Jul 27th, 2020

Sleep plays a very important in your overall physical and mental health. What’s even more important is good sleep. Often, we will fall asleep and end up tossing and turning most of the night and then wake up feeling restless and even more exhausted. It’s important to understand your sleep...

Increased Energy With Hormone Therapy Jul 13th, 2020

Feeling tired, drained, or exhausted on a daily basis? This might have something to do with your hormone levels. As we start to get older our hormones can begin to become unbalanced. When this happens, we start to experience feelings of sluggishness and fatigue and even loss of sleep. This...

Why Do I Have Low Libido? Jul 7th, 2020

The World Health Organization recognizes the importance of libido, or sex drive, as being a key indicator in your health and quality of life. Sex drive in both men and women is linked to androgen hormones, specifically testosterone. Men have much higher testosterone than women which is why their sex...

Weight Loss And Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Jun 29th, 2020

“If you just eat less and exercise more you will lose weight – it’s simple math.” How many times have you heard that and argued back that you ARE eating less and you ARE exercising more? While calorie intake contributes to weight loss, it turns out metabolism and hormones play...

Unusual Signs For Hormonal Imbalances May 5th, 2020

Random acne at 40, vaginal dryness, breast tenderness, constipation, heavy/painful periods, night sweats; these are just some of the unusual signs for hormonal imbalances in women. Hormonal imbalances can occur when there isn’t enough, or sometimes too much, of a hormone in your bloodstream. Hormones play an essential role in...

Virtual Hormone Therapy Apr 23rd, 2020

In a world where you can order almost anything on-line, The Riegel Center has made it so you can also order your hormones on-line with a virtual consultation with Dr. Riegel. The Riegel Center offers virtual hormone therapy so that you can receive your hormones from almost anywhere in the...

Hormones And Your Vision Mar 9th, 2020

Mood, weight, complexion and energy-levels are all at the mercy of your hormones during pregnancy, puberty, and menopause. However, did you know that your vision can be affected as well? If you’re a woman nearing or at the age of puberty or menopause, or happen to be pregnant, don’t be...

Hormonal Imbalance: How It Affects Your Health And Signs To Look For Nov 21st, 2019

It seems to happen quite often, but don’t worry – the shifting of your hormone levels is completely normal! During menopause, before and after periods, during a pregnancy – these are all completely reasonable times to feel like your hormones are out of whack. However, a hormonal imbalance is also...

Healthy Aging With Hormone Replacement Therapy Nov 21st, 2019

I have personal and professional reasons to learn as much as I can about aging healthy. My specialty is hormone replacement and age management medicine. Through my thirty years of middle of the night pages and delivering babies, I developed “delayed sleep latency onset” or my brain turned off REM sleep waiting...

“The Animal Juice” Nov 21st, 2019

One of my long term patients was in today. She encouraged me to write a post about a product I developed. Usually I don’t tell my patients about my Juvanesse unless they tell me they are having a problem. This patient told me “every woman needs to know.” So here...

Low Estradiol And Depression In Women Nov 21st, 2019

Here are some interesting things you may never have thought of. There were some puzzling things for me during my career as an OBGYN. They were curiosities for me. Research in recent years has revealed the answers. I wondered why there are three completely different times in a woman’s life...

What Is Human Growth Hormone? Nov 21st, 2019

For those of you who have heard about HGH, I want to set the record straight. For full disclosure, I make zero money from prescribing HGH and have zero financial interest in others using it. In my expert opinion, both prescribing and using HGH for over ten years, HGH is...

Human Growth Hormone Results By Dr. Riegel Nov 21st, 2019

My trek through the world of finding ways to age healthy and share those with my patients has had a few twists and turns. I was on Testosterone and Human Growth Hormone (HGH) from 2006 to 2014, when the FDA made HGH very difficult to get. Despite all adults having muscle wasting...

The Reason Marriages Fall Apart Nov 18th, 2019

I have watched as two generations of families have fallen apart, when the kids are in high school or college. I believe I have an answer why this occurs. Most people meet their spouses in high school, college or slightly after. Everything that happens is nature, hardwired into our cells....